See the pyramid of Maidoum, and explore the fossils in Wadi El Rayan and Wadi El Hitan from the unforgettable perspective of the desert and comfort
of our 4-wheel drive.This new comprehensive full-day guided tour covers the forgotten archeological sites as well as other
areas accessible only through the desert.
Drive alongside The Marioteyyah canal to the pyramid of Maidoum ( King Snefro -4th Dynasty Old Kingdom).The pyramid lies at the fringes of the desert plateau over looking the green fields and the Mariotteya canal. Visit both the interiors and the surrounding of the Pyramid then drive to Wadi El Rayan. Lunch and time to enjoy the afternoonwith the charming nature of the desert. See the waterfalls and watch the emigrant birds in the lake Rayan. After lunch off road drive into the desert to explore the marine fossils and the Petrified Whales Skeletons in Wadi El Hitan.Before you start your way back to Cairo stop for a picturesque view of the sunset.
Arrival in Cairo is foreseen by early evening .
– Lunch, Mineral Water, Tea & Coffee.
– Tickets for the above listed visits.
– English speaking guide.
– Transportation in 4×4 vehicles
The Valley of Whales
also known as Zeuglodon Valley, lies within the boundaries of Wadi El-Rayan Protected Area (WRPA), about eighty kilometers fromFayoum City. WRPA was created in 1989, and lies in the vicinity of a series of natural hot springs and two lakes created in the 1970s from excess agricultural water channeled from the nearby Lake Karun (Qarun)
There is considerable evidence indicates that the basin of Wadi Hitanwas submerged in water some 40 to 50 million years ago. At that time, the so-called Tithes Sea reached far south of the existingMediterranean. The Tithes Sea is assumed to have retreated north and over the years deposited thick sediments of sandstone and limestone visible in rock formations in Wadi Hitan
Today, numerous excavation sites of whales, sharks, petrified mangrove, wide variety of fossil plants and various other remains of the prehistoric sea occupy the area. One is bound to come acrosspetrified corals, shark teeth and fossil remains scattered all over the valley. The landscapes are just as impressive and amazing. The valley lies in the midst of an attractive and distinctive desert landscape of wind-eroded rock platforms surrounded by sand dunes andhills.
Wind erosion as well as the archaeological works has exposed hundreds of buried fossil skeletons that have been lying trapped for millennia in sandstone formations of the ancient sea
– Transportatio in 4×4 ModernLand Cruiser
– English speaking guide and expert drivers
– Tea and coffee
-Tickets to WadiRayanNational Park
Departure at 07.00 am
Return at 05.00pm
- Sianai Safari
- Oasis & Luxor Sakura Safari
- Gilf Kebeer Sakura Safari
- Adventure Sakura Safari
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